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Flow BP

Eilon Benami

Gilad Abudi

Eyal Almog

Hadas Atiya



A client-based, highly modular web application for creating, executing and visualizing the execution of BP (Behavioral Programming) Flow programs. The main goal of the application is combining the BP paradigm with Flow Charts, in order to learn about the paradigm and make further research of it in a more comfortable, visualized and intuitive manner.

The application is consisted of 3 main components:

  • A graphical editor for creating BP Flow programs, based on the MxGraph open-sourced software.  

  • A full client-based interpreter for executing BP Flow programs.

  • A full client-based debugger for visualizing the execution of BP Flow programs step-by-step.

Presentation Video
Program Examples

A program that imitates the Tic-Tac-Toe game, while choosing the locations randomly.


A program that imitates a cold and hot water taps, where the water flow changes alternately from hot to cold.

A program that has the same functionality of the Hot Cold example, only with the option to change the number of iterations

(the program shown in the video).

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